[Showbiz Korea] Seulgi(슬기, Red Velvet) & Ren(렌, NU'EST)! Celebrities' Punk Look

2020-01-02 1

Punk Look
What’s stylin’ today on FASHION WEEKLY?!
A fashion style that shows you are a free spirit with a strong sense of individuality. It’s the punk look! There are fashion-forward celebrities who are fusing this style with their own~ so let’s see how they’ve incorporated this atypical into their outfits right now!

자유분방하고 개성만점 ‘펑크룩’ 스타일링~ 색다른 펑키한 패션으로 앞서가는 스타들! 과연 패셔니스타들은 펑크스타일은 어떻게 소화해냈는지! 지금부터 함께 알아보자~